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What are SA rod ends?

"SA" rod ends are "male" type rod ends. These rod ends have a threaded shank and can be sealed or unsealed, with or without maintenance. They are manufactured from C45 steel to DIN 648 series E standards.

What are the different types of SA rod ends?

  • SA..E/ES rod end: these non-sealed rod ends have internal diameters ranging from 5 to 80 mm. Its sliding surface combination is steel/steel. This rod end requires special maintenance, either via the grease nipple on the cast body, or via a hole in the housing. It is ideal for use with alternating, high and shock loads.
  • SA..ES 2RS rod end: similar to the previous rod end, but with seals (suffix 2RS). Its internal diameter range is also different: from 20 to 80 mm.
  • SA...C rod end: this jointless rod end with internal diameters from 5 to 30 mm features a steel-on-bronze sliding surface combination synthesized with PTFE. The rod end requires no special maintenance and is suitable for operation with slow movements and constant unilateral loads.
  • SA..C 2RS rod end: this rod end has the same features as the "SA..C" rod end, except that it is fitted with seals (suffix 2RS). The internal diameter range is also different: from 35 to 80 mm.

"SA" type rod ends have right-hand threads. Left-hand threads are available under reference "SAL".

What is the difference between "SA" and "TSM" rod ends?

There are two main differences between "SA" and "TSM" rod ends:

  • The combination of sliding surfaces
  • Dimensions

The combination of sliding surfaces is steel/steel or steel-on-bronze synthesized with PTFE, depending on the type of "SA" rod end, whereas it is steel/bronze or steel/PTFE, depending on the type of "TSM" rod end.

In terms of dimensions, "SA" tips have a larger external head diameter than "TSM" tips, but are thinner.